Duration (Months)

Original and rich speech and language therapy material
The material addresses individuals with speech and language difficulties of various types and severity degrees. It covers language comprehension and production at different components of language (phonology, lexicon, morphosyntax). Α variety of original tasks is included so that the language-impaired individual finds the process interesting and challenging. At the same time, there is a ranking of tasks according to degrees of difficulty, depending on individual therapy needs.

Innovative system of technology-assisted intervention
The platform uses an innovative system of technology-assisted Speech & Language Therapy intervention with a virtual assistant. The system will include innovative technological tools for multimodal communication, speech analysis, speech processing and machine learning with the aim of supporting and guiding the language impaired individual through intervention. Tasks are assigned by a speech and language therapist to the language impaired individual remotely with the aid of a virtual assistant.

Automatic assessment of the language deficit
The platform includes an automated system for the evaluation of the severity of the speech and language deficits through speech samples, using novel speech technologies and machine learning techniques. This system will allow for the comprehensive assessment and monitoring of the intervention progress.

Management of content and user data
To support individual participants and speech/ language therapists in everyday clinical practice, PLan-V incorporates content and user data management capabilities. The therapist administers the tasks and monitors participants’ progress on the tasks execution so that specific difficulties can be identified.